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Hi, welcome to my website. This is Shi🍥

I am a multi-disciplinary experience designer, service designer, and creative technologist currently in NYC. My passion lies in designing human-centric experiences, interactions, and strategies that bridge the gap between the digital and physical realms, build for inclusion and sustainability, and foster communication and connection between communities, people, and among ourselves.

Let's dive into my design process and how I approach my work. I'm fascinated by complex systems and always see design sparkles through the lens of research. I believe in understanding the big picture, connecting the dots, and allowing my discoveries along the way to shape my design ideas and attention to detail.

I used to want to be a generalist - and I still haven’t given up! My insatiable curiosity drives me to continually explore new perspectives and domains. I deeply appreciate collaborating with talented individuals from various backgrounds. The clash of intelligence and diverse viewpoints often leads to incredible ideas across spectrum. Such collaborations not only bring ideas to life but also strengthen the team as a whole.

I put human at heart when doing design. Whether it's considering the needs of clients, end users, or community members, I believe in the power of empathy. I eagerly listen to everyone's voices and use that valuable input to make inclusive and impactful design decisions. Through academic and working experiences, I got the chance to learn and implement ethnographic research in creative ways, which is what I enjoy so much doing and want to keep developing.

Sketch is my tool of expressing thoughts and ideas - it makes things so much clearer while keeping a nuance between reality and imagination.

I do everything in Figma/Notion - from planning to production, they allow me to have the most flexibility to freely dropping anything I need while still keeping things organized🥹.

OK, enough about work. Let’s take a break and delve to some (fun) facts about myself.

I was born and raised in Nanjing, China, before embarking on my educational journey in the United States. Within the last decade, I’ve had the opportunity to study, work, and travel around the US, Spain, Germany, and Japan.

I mainly speak three languages - English, Mandarin, and Japanese, with a tiny tiny bit of German that assists me to go grocery shopping and avoid getting lost. My Japanese was self-taught, started from the eargerness of understanding the radio channels and lyrics, and somehow ended up having a (Nise)Kansai accent when speaking.

My first name + last name initial creates a funny composition - Shi T💩 - and I’m just about to start an instagram page just for pics of delivery bags I got from ubereats/doordash/any food delivery apps.

If not at work, I always enjoy human observing👀, walking for over 2h without purpose🏞️, taking random photos of trivial things📸, drawing on my iPad✏️, going through a rabbithole of web surfing🕳️, listening to Funk&Soul and Japanese 80s songs🎧, and filling up my collection of alcohol bottles🥃 and coffee bean bags☕️.

Feel free to explore this website and reach out with anything in mind to chat. Cheers!🍻

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©shi tang, 2023